Brainspotting Resources for Clinicians

The following page contains useful resources for brainspotting clinicians. Please note that these simply serve as recommendations, and we do not receive any commission should use chose to purchase any content or physical materials.





In this Interview with Dr David Grand he introduces and discusses his Brainspotting therapeutic technique.

What if you extrapolated the most effective approaches in trauma therapy, combined them and then added an astonishing new dimension? In this playful sketch animation, Clinical Psychologist Dr Mark Grixti explores Brainspotting Therapy, the revolutionary new body/brain approach to healing trauma.

In this video, Krysta Dancy, MA, MFT, explains brainspotting and how it can be utilized to treat trauma and related symptoms.


One of the most power tools for healing trauma is Brainspotting. Here, we cover a brief background on brainspotting and then cover some of the basic principles of finding and processing through brainspots related to trauma.

Brainspotting For Pain Video Series with Emily Dufrane, LGPC & Erick Sandtad, LPCC

Reccomended Readings